Wednesday 27 December 2017

Had myself a smelly little Christmas

Hi everyone I'm back after the Christmas stress.  I always get really stressed at Christmas, and there's no real reason to now. My husband .Bless him does all the food shop and cooking. The day before Christmas Eve, I went to the Chiropodist as my Big right toe was hurting. I couldn't believe I was seen so quickly at such a time of the year.  She seemed to do a good job of cutting the offending nails (they curl inward a lot). So Christmas Eve the Big Right toe was puffy and really hurt to touch, but they saw me again a (different person) and padded me up for comfort over Christmas.  Trouble was that I couldn't shower or get the padding wet so all over Christmas I flannel washed. I don't think I smelled too bad, but I've definitely eaten too much. It's the chocolate that does it and I just read on the internet that chocolate is bad for Acid reflux, so I've been upping the anti acid medicines over Christmas 'Cos I can't resist Chocolate!

Bye for now and Happy new year

Wednesday 6 December 2017

pink socks and carrier bags


Long time no Blog sorry folks.  I've been stressed trying to find things all around the house.  It's still in such a mess and we are far from being ready for Christmas, and I am far from mentally able to sort out the mess.
I have three pink socks.  Can I make a pair? No they are three different shades of pink.  Can I find any other socks? No.  I've been wearing the same three pairs of socks over and over for the last few months now. In trying to throw things out and with the shops not giving you carrier bags any more; my living room floor is carrier bags of rubbish and rubbish I have no more carrier bags for.

Anyway happy Christmas to all.

Bye for now