Now God pays Abraham a visit one day and asks him to take his much loved son Isaac out to Moriah and sacrifice him on the hills there. Abraham went where he was told Isaac asked where was the lamb to be sacrificed and Abraham just replied 'God will provide'. They went a little further and Abraham tied Isaacs legs together and laid him out on the alter he had built and took a knife to kill Isaac. At this point Isaac must have known that he was the one to be sacrificed and I often wonder what thoughts went on in his mind and why there was no struggle, but just obedience from Isaac. An angel just suddenly shouted to Abraham to stop just in the nick of time and showed him a ram caught in a thicket to be sacrificed instead. This was obviously a test from God and because Abraham passed with flying colours God blessed him with incredible blessings and promised to multiply his descendants into countless thousands and millions and to conquer all his enemies. When he got back home Abraham found that the wife of his brother had borne him 8 sons. Now that's what I call quick work; anyway what strikes me the most about this story is Isaac rather than Abraham. Not a peep out of him even as he saw his father raise a knife to kill him. Of course this paradies Jesus as God's only son being a willing sacrifice for us, but Jesus was a full grown man and knew exactly what was happening and why. I wonder if I could trace my family back as far as Abraham, because it is said that we are all children of Abraham.
Another thing to ponder on and put ourselves in Isaac or Abraham's shoes. What would be the biggest sacrifice God could ask of you?
Bye for now
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