Monday, 19 March 2018

Staircase to heaven

I don't believe that all dreams are prophetic, but I do believe that some are and we should take note of the ones that really stick out and speak to us.
Anyway Isaac told Jacob to find a wife (one of his cousins)  from his uncle Laban Paddan-aram in the house of Bethuel.  Sounds familiar Jacob had to go away to find Rebekah and now Isaac is doing the same.  When Isaac went to sleep after a long days travelling, he laid his head on a big stone, and dreamt of a stairway leading right from where he was up to heaven with angels going up and down on it. At the top was the Lord who said 'I am Jehovah. The god of Abraham and your father Isaac.  The ground you are lying on is yours .  I will give it to your descendants for you will have as many descendants as many as dist..... what's more I am with you and will protect you wherever you go. When Jacob woke up he was a little  shaken and said God lives here and turned the stone upright as a memorial pillar, pouring oil on it. naming it 'Bethel' which means house of God.

I wish I could see that place and walk right up to heaven.  Its always up isn't it.  heaven appears to be above the skies.

Esau defiantly married women that Isaac and Rebekah didn't approve of. and there was always fighting in his camps.

Be careful as you get what you ask for.

Bye for now

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