Friday, 2 March 2018

little white lies can get you in a lot of trouble

1st March 2018
Happy St. David's day to all the Welsh.
Abraham was travelling through Kadesh; King Abimelech's country and because Sarah was so Beautiful he told her to tell everyone that she was his sister because he was afraid he would be killed for someone to take Sarah.  Sorry I had to pause there to see 'How green was my valley'.  I felt it my duty as it was St. David's day and I don't think I'd seen it all properly before at all. It won a lot of Oscars and was directed by John Ford; not your usual western. 
Now back to Abraham lying about his wife Sarah; saying she was his sister and not his wife. King Abimelech took Sarah to his palace to be his wife.  God came to him in a dream and told him the truth and said he was a dead man. He pleaded that he didn't know Sarah was Abraham's wife and so he was reprieved and a curse that had been put on all the wives to not be able to conceive was lifted and the threat of death or worse from God.  Abimelech not only returned Sarah to Abraham but also gave him land, money, sheep and oxen. So it does help sometimes to tell a little white lie or be a little deceptive, as after all Abraham said 'she is my half sister; we have to same father' Incest again? What is going on I cant's fathom it and I will have to leave it till I die as with a lot of other unanswered questions.  The list is getting longer, but I struggle on.

Bye for now

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