Saturday, 20 January 2018

The serpant or trouble in paradise

Saturday 20/1/2018
The last post left us in paradise. Not a care in the world. No worry about shopping, just pick  the fruit off the trees as you ramble by. Not scared of any animals because we are in control of them. But suddenly like the snake in 'The Jungle Book' A speaking serpent appears  on the scene. Now where did it come from? God must have made it, when he/she made all the other animals and saw that it was good. God made it and it came to the woman (still no name) and said 'Really? Now of the fruit of the garden you mustn't eat any of it?'.  the woman said 'Of course we may eat it. It's only the fruit from the tree at the centre of the garden that we are not to eat.  God say's we mustn't eat it or we will die'
Now I've looked up the word Serpent in the Oxford English dictionary and there doesn't seem to be a difference between a serpent and a snake.  so effectively it was a snake before God turned it into a snake.  Never the less a talking one whom god allowed to call God as liar. 'That's a lie.  You'll, not die.  God knows the very instant you eat it you will become like him (we have a gender for God now so we'll stick with it), for your eyes will be opened- you will be able  to distinguish good from evil.
It didn't take much convincing for the woman to believe the serpent over God.  She liked the look of the fruit and liked the idea of it making her wise, so she ate the fruit and gave it to the man to eat too.
That's when it all started to go pear shaped (or apple).  Up till then they were nudists and suddenly they became aware of their nakedness and fear entered in. They tried to hide from God and cover their nakedness because they felt ashamed. God called to Adam (hey we have his name) 'Why are you hiding?' as if he didn't know already.  Adam said 'I heard you coming and didn't want you to see me naked, so I hid'. 'Who told you you were naked? Have you eaten fruit from the tree I warned you about? Adam admits but blames the woman and she blames the Serpent.  So serpents were punished to crawl the rest of their days on their bellies and women were cursed with agonising childbirth and Adam would have to work the cursed ground toiling and sweating. eventually returning to the ground where he came. The man named his wife Eve.(finally we have her name at the end of ch 3) The life giving one for she will become the mother of mankind.  And for the first time God clothed Adam and Eve with animal skins so that was the first record of animal killing and the end of vegetarianism too.
So they were banned from the garden fearing that they would become immortal and the entrance to the Tree of life is guarded by Angles and a mighty sword. End of Paradise. Hello to toil and woe.
Bye for now stay tuned

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