So Cain is wandering around and finds himself in the land of Nod (East of Eden; Sounds like a good name for a book). Cain's wife bore him a baby son Enoch and also named a city after him. Then we go through a 'who do you think you are Enoch father of Irad the father of Mehujael;the father of Methusael father of Lamech. The first mention of bigamy Lamech had 2 wives Adah and Zillah To Adah was born a baby named Jabel who became the first of the cattlemen and those living in tents. His brothers name was Jubal, the first musician and inventor of the harp and flute (guess that's where the word Jubilation stems from) and why we use music so much to celebrate. To Lamech's other wife Zillah was born Tubal-cain. the first foundry forging instruments of bronze and iron. So we've jumped the Bronze age and iron age as far as the history of the world or maybe just the history of the Middle East. After this Eve gave birth to another son, Seth meaning granted, because Eve said 'God has granted me another son for the one Cain killed' It was during this time that men first began to call themselves 'The lord's people'.
So we are getting a picture building of the beginnings of life on earth according to the Bible. My brain is a little fried now so I will leave us there for the time being, growing into a community of incest, Jealousy, murder , bigamy, Cattle, Metal workers and musicians like a story from EastEnders. Haven't heard any swear words yet that's the difference.
Bye for now
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