Wednesday, 24 January 2018

East of Eden or the first Eastenders I guess

I wish that when I was born someone could have just handed me a list of my descendants. It would save a lot of trouble doing family searches now.  But here in this EastEnders story they automatically recorded either by writing or word of mouth who knows, but Ch 5 lists Adams descendants.  There is a theory that we were all descended from him. Wouldn't that be cool to be able to go back that far, almost the beginning of time. Here's  the list of begats. Adam begat Seth when he was 130 years old and lived on for another 800 years producing other sons and daughters Seth was 105 when his son Enosh was born and Seth lived another 807 years.  We wonder how they lived so long? People say your old at 80 now. What did he do for 800 years except produce more sons and daughters and died at 912.  Enosh had a son Kenan when he was 90 and again produced other sons and daughters and died at 905.  notice only the first born son's name is ever mentioned not the others. etc. etc. Kenan begat Mahalel who begat Jared (he's in 'Neighbours' now) Jared begat Enoch He's the first that was mentioned as being taken by God rather than dying it just said he disappeared after being in constant communication with God Enoch bore Methusalah I write that in Italics because I believe he's very important later on.  Methuselah begat Lamech who begat Noah when he was 182.  Noah means 'Relief  as Lamech said ' He will bring us relief from the hard work of farming this Ground, cursed by God due to Adam and Eve's disobedience. Lamech  like the others lived a long life and died at 777 after producing sons and daughters. Noah was 500 years old when he had three sons Shem, Ham and Japheth. So I guess they had so many kids and lived so long because it was their job to populate the earth, obeying God's commandment to go forth and multiply. Perhaps this is saying that if you have lots of kids and a good sex life you will live a long time. Who knows but we now have the problem of a population explosion, and I guess you all know how God dealt with that or do you?
Stay tuned
Bye for now

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