Saturday, 24 February 2018

You're never too old for miracles

Well now we come to the point where Abram is 99 years old.  we don't know what he's been doing for all that time.  God comes to him again and tells him he will conceive. At first Abram doesn't believe because not only is he 99 but Sarai is 90. He mistakenly believes that God will bless Ishmael, but God says no I mean Sarai will conceive and he is to be named Isaac (Laughter). Also God changes Abram's name (Exalted Father) to Abraham ('Father of nations') and Sarai's name shall be Sarah (princess).For his pert of the contract or bargain, Abraham was to circumcise every male and from now on every male was to be circumcised on the 8th day after birth.  This rule was to apply to servants, foreigners born as slaves and everyone born in the household. Abraham was to become a father of many great nations and 12 princes were to be under Ishmael's prosperity (as the Living Bible puts it).
Nowadays we say it's tricky to have a first baby after 40.  I work in Nursing homes where I've known a 103 year old woman to be taken care of by her 70 year old daughter.  I can't imagine how this would have worked even though people did seem to live longer in those days.  The miracle is not just the conception, but the raising of a child at such an old age. How will we ever begin to understand the mind of God and his ways?
Still pondering?

Bye for now

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