Monday, 26 February 2018

It's a bargain

Three men came to visit Abraham and told him he and his wife Sarah would conceive the following year. Sarah was inside the tent and laughed at the notion of giving birth at such an old age but she was rebuked for it. It's quite easy and plausible for us to think like the rest of the world and  not believe in miracles. Some people might find us crazy or laughable, to believe the seemingly impossible. But we can't stop nature from taking it's course.
Do we plea bargain with God? I guess I have a number of times.  When I didn't like the thing God told me He was going to do;  like the dying man pleading for his life; 'if only you would spare me I will never lie again' etc. Abraham's nephew lived in Sodom & Gomorrah. God said he would destroy the citizens there if the reports of how depraved they were, were true. So Abraham plea bargained with God in the fashion of 'If you find 50 godly people there will you destroy it?' God said no and Abraham continued to bring the numbers down to 10 and God ended at 10, 'If I find 10 godly people I will not destroy it. I guess Abraham thought he had won the battle to keep his nephew safe, but I think that God must have known all along that He wouldn't find 10 Godly people, so he was always in charge and though it seems that Abraham won, God's will was still done and Sodom and Gomorrah as we know was destroyed anyway. I've just been reading about Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane.  Even he pleaded with God not to let him suffer as he did, but God's will was done and Jesus was crucified for us so the scriptures wouldn't be fulfilled as Jesus said. I believe Jesus suffered a major panic attack when He prayed in the garden 'Let thy will be done o lord and not mine' After the panic attack had ended he was ready to face his destiny.
I often think of this if I feel panicky about something.  It could be anything and could seemingly come from nowhere.
Ponder again all you plea bargainers and accept you fete in the end, then there will be peace.

Bye for now

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