Friday, 14 October 2016

Groundhog days and groundhog weeks

14th October 2016 (Friday)

I woke up this morning as most mornings, not knowing what day it was. I had to ask my husband and he bombarded me with questions like where am I who's the prime minister, which I couldn't answer because of my lack of interest in politics. I finally said as I looked out the curtains 'Theresa May'.  that was about 5 minutes later. I was wondering as I ;aid the clothes out for washing last night, why I was a Tee shirt short.  I went to sleep perplexing on it to find out that I'm a day early;  washday is Saturday; today is Friday.

Everyday is nearly the same.  Porridge for breakfast with pears and stewed apple mid morning is a Fortecreme and lunch time is my main meal of the da except days like today when I have to go out p.m. and I have scrambled egg on toast as I do every other day at 4ish, because I'm still taking a long time to eat.
Bed at 9pm and a diazepam to get to sleep after writing an indecipherable diary and praying the Lords prayer of protection while I sleep (see earlier entry on prayer).

I managed to get my filling done yesterday after 40 mg of diazepam down me.  I held my left arm up once to swallow, but no choking this time. I'm 8 stone now and I don't like it. I did a little exercise from Mr Motivator's DVD (well the bit he's got on YouTube for M..S.just the warm up and seated exercises and I've put weight on ;Typical)

Otherwise it's the same old thing day after day.; week after week. my feet are no longer puffy, but still hurting.

Happy Groundhog day

Bye for now

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