Saturday, 8 October 2016

Everryone has their demons

8th October 2016

It's definitely fear that affects my swallowing.  Ever since I've known I have to have a replacement filling, I've taken a step back with my swallowing.  I seem to have to clear my throat a thousand times before swallowing everything and thus the time to eat has increased again; back to 2 hours to eat my dinner last night and then I didn't finish it and it was a kiddies meal, with my own veg.  I also saw the chiropodist yesterday about this pain under my right big toenail and she said the only cure is to take a slice of the toenail off, so naturally I wasn't too happy about that.  Last night I dreamt I was a prisoner of war and we were all rounded up and had to take s certain medicine.  I thought it would taste horrible but it didn't, but I felt a little strange afterwards, like I do when I've taken too much diazepam.

That reminds me I have to get some medicine from the chemist now before he shuts for the weekend.

I once wrote a song called 'Demons'.  'Demons go away and don't come back again is in the chorus'

Bye for now

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