Sunday, 31 July 2016

The Good, the Bad and the ugly


Hi I'm back at 7 stone YAY! I reached that goal anyway.  I guess I'll have to set a new one maybe eating different things or trying to swallow properly a bit more.  At the moment I hesitate and sometimes even hold my breath while the food is in my mouth before I swallow.  New target then not to leave the food for so long before I swallow.

The bad news is that in my last post I said my pastor friend helped with my blog.  He's not a pastor; he's a curate.  I've been going to the Anglican church for about 30 years now and I still can't get the hang of all the trappings. It must be really hard for people who aren't even Christians or church goers to follow sometimes.

The Ugly news is my feet again.  I must have the ugliest feet in the world. I went to the chiropodist to try and cure a pain under my big Right toenail and ended up having one on my Left as well. I'm seeing again on Tuesday;  I hate confrontations so do I insist that she doesn't charge me for this as I think it's her fault. The other foot was fine it didn't hurt and if it works don't fix it is my motto (and they're still puffy).  Great for my walking.

I had a really tough day yesterday.  we've bee trying to get the kitchen clean for people to come round and give us quotes for a new one.  But I didn't pace myself did I and paid for it in the afternoon; could hardly move;  was a stiff as a board.

Anyway I'll stick to the positive for now and say I'm 7 stone Yay!

Bye for now

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