Wednesday, 25 May 2016

Feeling down


Feeling a bit deflated today because when I saw my doctor yesterday for my weekly weigh in, there wasn't any change and I thought I had been putting on weight.  I thought I'd put on at least 3/4 of a pound.

I had a good session with my counsellor in the morning which gave me a little hope only to be dashed by my doctors appointment in the afternoon.  I don't know if this  is EMDR or not but I walked backward on my life line thinking of all the bad anxiety and Fear giving moments in my life, and then I walked forward through them again with my guardian angel on one side and a trusted supportive friend on the other helping me back to now and I carried on walking with this newfound belief that I could face the future with my 2 companions.  It helped me a lot and I am definitely swallowing more quickly now.

Has anyone else experienced something like this or EMDR?

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