Monday, 16 May 2016


17th April 2016

Just woke up but my husband got to the bathroom first so I have time to write this and pray. Every morning, before breakfast if I have woken up early enough I read a little section from the Bible and then pray.  I usually pray my version of the protection prayer which goes something like this. Lord I pray for the Helmut of salvation on my head that your holy spirit will guide and guard my thoughts throughout the day and  thank you for continued protection and healing of my M..S. and thoughts; especially on swallowing and the mucus.  I pray for the breastplate of righteousness to protect my heart and chest that I may be cloaked with Christ's righteousness not my own which is as filthy rags in your sight, and I thank you for continued healing of my heart lungs and forgiveness of my sins. I pray for the belt of truth round  my waist that I might know your truth and be set free. That your holy spirit might help me to remember your word which is truth in all situations and have the strength to apply it.
I thank you for continued healing under that belt of all my inner working parts;  stomach, liver kidneys, bowels.  I pray for the shoes of the gospel of peace on my feet that I might know your peace which passes all understanding and be your peace wherever I go.
The sword of the spirit in my hands to know how and when to fight off the attacks of the evil one and the shield of faith to protect me from his fiery darts.  Lord I believe help my unbelief.

I may pray a little in tongues and then have a little silence trying to listen but at the moment I don't usually get much; occasionally I will get a scripture or a picture, but not today.

I also prayed about my doctors appointment later and that my blood test from yesterday has come through and is alright. I know it seems long but it doesn't take much time really.  At the moment I am reading through the gospel of Luke and Acts.  Just a couple of verses a day.

I'm glad I have this blog to share this with you all.  Will let you know what the doctor says after I see him maybe in tomorrows blog, because I'm hungry now and want my porridge.

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