Tuesday, 3 April 2018

Off to new pastures

Now that Jacob was doing so well the green eyed monster of jealousy set in Laban's sons and Laban himself. So God told Jacob to move back to his homeland.  So Jacob did just that and upped stakes  and sent Leah  and Rachael ahead of him.  Jacob had made 3 days progress with his wives and possessions before Laban even knew about it. Laban rushed after them, but the night before they caught up with them God now spoke to Laban telling him not to do harm to Jacob.  Laban had treated Jacob unfairly for all the years he had worked for Laban but they made a peace pact, setting up a stone monument to mark the boundary where Jacob would not enter Laban's land and vice versa, called the 'Watchtower'(Mizpah)
Just before Jacob left, Rachael took some gods with her and hid them under her clothes where she sat on a camel, so Laban's men couldn't find them as they searched the tents. I don't know how significant this is just yet to the future of this story, but it must have meant something for it to be mentioned.  So finally after 22 years of working for the unscrupulous Laban, Jacob was free and headed for home with 2 wives and 2 concubines lots of sheep and a great deal of wealth; How's that for patience and bartering? and not a single blow was made.
Bye for now.

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