Wednesday, 27 December 2017

Had myself a smelly little Christmas

Hi everyone I'm back after the Christmas stress.  I always get really stressed at Christmas, and there's no real reason to now. My husband .Bless him does all the food shop and cooking. The day before Christmas Eve, I went to the Chiropodist as my Big right toe was hurting. I couldn't believe I was seen so quickly at such a time of the year.  She seemed to do a good job of cutting the offending nails (they curl inward a lot). So Christmas Eve the Big Right toe was puffy and really hurt to touch, but they saw me again a (different person) and padded me up for comfort over Christmas.  Trouble was that I couldn't shower or get the padding wet so all over Christmas I flannel washed. I don't think I smelled too bad, but I've definitely eaten too much. It's the chocolate that does it and I just read on the internet that chocolate is bad for Acid reflux, so I've been upping the anti acid medicines over Christmas 'Cos I can't resist Chocolate!

Bye for now and Happy new year

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