Thursday, 11 May 2017

Change or no change


So I went to the opticians for the second time this week.  The first time I was told I couldn't drive 'cos they were going to put drops in my eyes to dilate my pupils. I was really all right about it but still found myself taking 3, 5 mg Diazepam's to go.  that really calmed me down;  I just wish I could feel like that without the medicine. I was up early today to iron and be ready for a friend from church to pick me up and take me out for a coffee with our minister's wife.  At first I felt spaced out and a little out of my comfort zone because I hadn't taken any tablets, but apart from my 3 tablet day blitz yesterday I've managed to cut down the diazepam to one 5 mg tablet a day which I'm sure my doctor will be glad to know.

I woke up in the middle of the night with a song on my mind so I have the start and the idea for a new song which is quite good I just wish I could sing it better.

I feel like I am tied down; something is holding me back from really living and going for life.  Do you ever feel like that sometimes.  I've put the book reading of  'A purpose driven life' on hold for the time being because of our church's mission of trying to read the Bible in a year. Not able to read much more at this time.  It's a dull life I lead now; far different from what I used to be i.e. very active, always going somewhere or doing something.  I still want to get my musical off the ground but don't have much insight into who and how I'm going to get help to start it.

I'm sure things will liven up soon with my husband's job about to change any day now to I don't know what.

Bye for now

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