Wednesday, 31 May 2017

Too darn hot


I don't like this heat it isn't good for my M.S. I already feel tired but the heat doubles the discomfort.
Another day of mostly watching the TV and drying to stay still.  I moved a little to the peaceful You Tube music that is supposed to help you sleep, but if you move to it they can be gentle movements and help you to keep your flexibility.
The old Catastrophizing is kicking in again as I have a pain in my left lung and keep burping and hiccupping a lot.

Oh no.  there's something wrong with my heart! Must be.  just went out the back garden in the sun and did some Tai Chi Exercises.

I don't know if the scale is working correctly because yesterday I was 9st and 12 pounds.  I only did a bit of movement and today I'm 9st 9 pounds.  I couldn't've lost 3 pounds overnight.  Can I do that again tomorrow please and send some cool breezes.

Bye for now

Tuesday, 23 May 2017

Mentality sick bombing


I can't believe what I'm seeing on the TV today 22 died at Manchester bombing. What kind of sickness is in the suicide bomber who kills mostly young girls;  for what reason? There can be no justification in the world for this sick behaviour.  I grieve for the families. Hope the news is better tomorrow.

Bye for now

Tuesday, 16 May 2017

Deaparate measures for the blimp girl


Well we didn't do so badly at the Eurovision after all, but I was right in that we didn't crack the to- ten we came 15th (UK)Salvador from Portugal won and I'm sure it was a lovely song except we didn't know what it was about we didn't have translation this year.  It was very subdued and intimate.

I just went shopping for some new bras as I've out grown my old ones. Never been so fat before 9 stone 11lbs. I feel like Michelin man.  Fat trying to escape hanging out of my bra and over the top of my trousers; not a pretty sight or feeling;  I will have to be more strict with myself and cut down on the rubbish stuff like biscuits and chocolate. She says just having had a pile of shortbread biscuits before this.
How can thing change so quickly? One day I'm fading away and only a few months later I'm the shortest  hulk without the muscle, just fat.

It was all that 'encouragement ' from well meaning friends I suppose I've got into a habit of eating.

Still waiting for the return of my driving license and a P60 from The DWP for my benefits.  I tried phoning twice yesterday.  the first time I stayed on the phone for 30 minutes the second only 10 and then again this afternoon about 1.30 for 15 minutes.  It would be easier to go to Scotland I think.

Bye for now

Saturday, 13 May 2017

Desparate for a loo


The 13th today, but I'm not superstitious are you?
Saturday afternoon may be my favourite time of the week; no work to think about; best TV viewing night like Dr Who and Pointless.  Of course it's the Eurovision tonight.  I used to get excited about that and I still find a bit of interest in the bizarre costumes and songs.  We haven't won it for ages and because Britain has voted to leave the EU it might mean even fewer votes for us (not that it could get much worse) I think we were last but one last year, so we'll probably be last this year. Unless you have a gimmick like a beard on a cross dresser (Conchita Wurst, I think that's how you say it) or a brilliant band like ABBA, what chance have you got? If you're reading this in America then you won't have a clue what I'm talking about, but there's this annual event called Eurovision where quite a lot of European countries compete for the most popular song, but it's getting really political now and you see all the Scandinavian countries voting for each other e.t.c. It's quite comical in some ways especially when Terry Wogan used to do the commentary.  Graham Norton  (another Irish) guy has taken over since Terry's demise and he is funny too, but hasn't got quite the Wogan Wit.

I'm tired already I don't think I'll be watching till the wee hours of the morning for the results.

I went to the opticians the other day to check out this floater in my eye. Having walked a little distance to get to the opticians I wanted to go to the bathroom but they had no facility.  they told me to walk round the corner to the nearest pub and use their loo.  Now as I have M.S. I was already fatigued and was grateful that I didn't have to go upstairs to use the pub loo. But having to walk back to the opticians nearly killed me and I was out for the rest of the day.

This morning I told my doctor and he said there should 've been a loo and I should write to the CQC (Care Quality commission) to report it.  so I think that's what I'll do.

Bye for now

Thursday, 11 May 2017

Change or no change


So I went to the opticians for the second time this week.  The first time I was told I couldn't drive 'cos they were going to put drops in my eyes to dilate my pupils. I was really all right about it but still found myself taking 3, 5 mg Diazepam's to go.  that really calmed me down;  I just wish I could feel like that without the medicine. I was up early today to iron and be ready for a friend from church to pick me up and take me out for a coffee with our minister's wife.  At first I felt spaced out and a little out of my comfort zone because I hadn't taken any tablets, but apart from my 3 tablet day blitz yesterday I've managed to cut down the diazepam to one 5 mg tablet a day which I'm sure my doctor will be glad to know.

I woke up in the middle of the night with a song on my mind so I have the start and the idea for a new song which is quite good I just wish I could sing it better.

I feel like I am tied down; something is holding me back from really living and going for life.  Do you ever feel like that sometimes.  I've put the book reading of  'A purpose driven life' on hold for the time being because of our church's mission of trying to read the Bible in a year. Not able to read much more at this time.  It's a dull life I lead now; far different from what I used to be i.e. very active, always going somewhere or doing something.  I still want to get my musical off the ground but don't have much insight into who and how I'm going to get help to start it.

I'm sure things will liven up soon with my husband's job about to change any day now to I don't know what.

Bye for now

Sunday, 7 May 2017

The Good, The Bad(depending on which way you look at it) and the ugly


Hi folks, just not been free much to do blogs lately.  I've started my lip reading course; done my second week now and finding it fun. So far we've looked at th  as in that and l as in a word like whole or London. I feel a bit of a fraud because the others in the class are really going deaf and I'm there because of Tinnitus.  I have hearing aids but choose not to wear them as I find them too much hassle.

Let's come to the Good;  well I mentioned this in my last post i.e. It was a lovely day last Thursday;  Beautiful sunshine coming out in time for my friend's son's wedding. Couldn't think of a nicer way to spend the Thursday afternoon.
I think that said it all; the bad was last Thursday two weeks later I went to a thanksgiving service of the organist from our church. He has suffered a long time.  He was a brilliant musician and made me feel at home in the church when I first came because he encouraged me to play the guitar in the music group and then I later went on to lead the worship in song for a little while. Knowing that I did presentation dances he also suggested I do a dance to Graham Kendrick's 'Thorns in the Straw' from our choir's rendition of 'Rumours of Angels'  well I think that's what the whole set was called.

He also used his Music Software to write out the score for one of my songs. When he was fading I said 'you have to get better, to write a musical with me' and he said 'I'll hold you to that'.  I guess that will never happen now.  I have all the songs, I needed Alan's genius to fill in the rest of the score. But at least his suffering is over now which is why I said depends on how you look at my title. His family are all involved in the Church and we all believe he is with Jesus now.

The ugly has 2 stories one funny and one not so I'll lead with the funny.  It was my husband's birthday a few days ago and while he was out doing our weekly food shop.  I popped round the corner to get a Lemon drizzle cake, a bunch of flowers and just for a laugh a Kinder surprise egg, as he was in a glum mood about getting older;  he always gets like this around his birthday.  Well I put the egg on the settee next to me wanting to surprise him after dinner and it had rolled under me so I was in actual fact sitting on it, so when I came to give it to him it was slightly bashed and partly melted.
The not so funny is my bowels;  well you could count it as funny if you go by all the farting and burping, but I'm worried that I have a blockage somewhere and there's something more serious going on as I often have regurgitation.  Oh well I'm seeing the doc on Friday.

Bye for now