Friday, 17 February 2017

Couging better

It's been a week now and I'm still sleeping  upright in bed because of the coughing. This morning was the first time I'd been out all week and that was to see the doctor.  I was panicking for nothing because no-one knows who referred me for an I can just cancel it.  Got my hearing aids changed today but don't know if they are too loud now and giving me a headache. Had a small baked potato lunchtime, but struggled with it and then had a crippling wind after do I was sorry then and realised I'm still not quite up to eating normally again yet.  I've only lost a couple of pounds; I was hoping it would be more because I still look as if I should be cast in 'Blubber' somehow.
I can't believe clothes wash day has come around again. Where does the time go when you're doing nothing?

I cancelled work today because I don't wasn't any of my nursing home residents to get what I've had all week I think it would kill some of them off.
 I hope you didn't get the bug

Bye for now

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