Tuesday, 29 November 2016

A blog a day keeps the demons at bay

I've been neglecting my blog lately, that's because no-one seems to be able to find it and as I started this blog because I had dysphagia (problems swallowing), there isn't so much to say now in that my weight has gone back to what it was unfortunately, (I would like it to have stopped before I got to feel fat and bloated again) and although my swallowing isn't back to normal, that too is getting better, though I do take a long time to eat now and drink. I still don't think I'm drinking enough a day.

So I've decided to write about other things, not that my life is all that exciting at the moment.  I just had what will probably be the last session with a counsellor. He'll be retiring in June next year anyway. I was thinking this morning that on my gravestone they should put 'Well I tried'. I feel like nothing I ever do is good enough.  I shared this with my counsellor and  he said I am enough.  Everyone feels on the outside looking in at times and very often the chit chat is a façade, to cover up that they feel left out as well.
I will endeavor to do more blogs and hope that people are getting them.
I'm having difficulty answering Facebook messages.  I type a reply, but then the message comes up do you want to leave this page or do you want to stay on this page, you haven't finished your reply.  I don't know what that means because I have finished it and I can't send it off. I think people are having problems replying to this blog too and I don't know what to do about that either.
Hey ho it's time to get Christmas started by sending out my annual cards.

Bye for now

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