Friday, 9 September 2016

When you gotta blow you gotta blow,( but act natural)

Friday 9th September 2016

One of the troubles with not being able to eat enough or not eating the right stuff is constipation.
Last night we had a service in our church to induct our new vicar.  There was no-one sitting either side of me which was good, but our Youth leader and his wife were sitting directly behind. Now after spending thirty minutes on the loo this morning I still wasn't able to go all day, not even after lunch, so I took a Movecal which is supposed to help, but all it did was give me very small farts all afternoon and into the evening.  Well you can't undo what you've done, so I went to the service sat as far away as I could from people, but you can't stop someone sitting behind you.  I guess I could have given them a warning.  Every time I stood up to sing and a couple of times when I was praying out they came. Fortunately they weren't very loud or smelly (well at least not to me).  I didn't like to ask our youth leader and wife or I would have given the game away.  On reflection it may have been better to sit in a group of people and look around quizzically.

My swollen feet have started to go down,  now that the weather is a bit cooler. I weighed myself this morning and I am now 7 stone 9 pounds.  I don't really want to get up to 8 stone as I am only 5 feet 2. My big belly is starting to come back through lack of exercise. I still haven't found a good time to exercise yet, when I'm not exhausted from doing ordinary housework (not that I do much).
I'll have to read up on managing my comments because my niece said she couldn't comment when she tried.

Bye for now

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