Sunday, 31 July 2016

The Good, the Bad and the ugly


Hi I'm back at 7 stone YAY! I reached that goal anyway.  I guess I'll have to set a new one maybe eating different things or trying to swallow properly a bit more.  At the moment I hesitate and sometimes even hold my breath while the food is in my mouth before I swallow.  New target then not to leave the food for so long before I swallow.

The bad news is that in my last post I said my pastor friend helped with my blog.  He's not a pastor; he's a curate.  I've been going to the Anglican church for about 30 years now and I still can't get the hang of all the trappings. It must be really hard for people who aren't even Christians or church goers to follow sometimes.

The Ugly news is my feet again.  I must have the ugliest feet in the world. I went to the chiropodist to try and cure a pain under my big Right toenail and ended up having one on my Left as well. I'm seeing again on Tuesday;  I hate confrontations so do I insist that she doesn't charge me for this as I think it's her fault. The other foot was fine it didn't hurt and if it works don't fix it is my motto (and they're still puffy).  Great for my walking.

I had a really tough day yesterday.  we've bee trying to get the kitchen clean for people to come round and give us quotes for a new one.  But I didn't pace myself did I and paid for it in the afternoon; could hardly move;  was a stiff as a board.

Anyway I'll stick to the positive for now and say I'm 7 stone Yay!

Bye for now

Tuesday, 26 July 2016

New Information

Well I asked my pastor to help me again to find out why I am getting no comments after he had sent me a comment which I couldn't read (I can now).  Turns out that you can only comment on my blog if you have an email account with google (Gmail).
I have also been put on a link to MS's blog. I hope my blog is helpful to some of you.  I guess that's why people go on Facebook, to do pretty much the same thing.

I am still at 6 stone 12, but realising my physical weakness from sitting so much.  I am see a chiropodist tomorrow who is going to deal with a pain under my big right toe nail, which is just adding to my problems.  My husband dreamt of leaving me last night. Was that wishful thinking. I sometimes (well nearly all the time) feel like I'm a burden and a bit of a waste of space.  Wish I could do more and be stronger mentally as well as physically.


Saturday, 23 July 2016

Concave armpits and really puffy feet

 I have been wanting to shave under my arms for months, but the trouble with loosing so much weight is that underneath, they went kind of concave, so I couldn't get at them.  I've done a sort of shave now, but there's still that little line down the middle you just can't get at.

On the doctors advice I've started using my nasal spray again and yesterday I went through another box of hankies in one afternoon.  I'm seriously considering buying shares in the tissue company. That affects the whole of your life.  I've never had hay fever in my life as far as I'm aware, but I am allergic to house dust and mites. So I am really kicking myself that I didn't bring this subject up when I went to the ENT people. I've taken Ceterezine I think that's what it's called but it's one month out of date and very sweet, sickly syrup that made me cough and seemed to burn the back of my throat.  Still I've stopped sneezing, but am still blowing my nose a lot.

It wasn't the Pregablin that caused my puffy feet, because they are puffier now than ever, so it has to be the heat, but again that's nothing I've experienced before.

Whenever I go to the doctors I usually have a long list of things to ask him and especially the last time I thought he couldn't get me out of the door fast enough.  But all these things are a real bother to me and make my life difficult. I haven't been able to exercise if I wanted to with my runny nose and  puffy feet, so everything is a real struggle for me at the moment. 

Just tried oven chips and fish fingers for dinner, but they were too dry, so didn't eat much and haven't been able to open my bowels today.

Bye for now, from hot bloated and constipated

Wednesday, 20 July 2016

Much ado about nothing

Wednesday 20th 7 2016

I wish someone could have told me what my ENT was going to be like and then I wouldn't have fretted so much.  I started off taking 5 mg of diazepam before breakfast and as my appointment wasn't until 3.30 p.m. I kept slipping 10 mg tablets at various intervals so in total I took 45 mg of Diazepam and when I went in I answered a lot of questions and he looked at my throat with a spatula as a doctor would, felt my glands and put the camera up my nose, but it didn't go past the gagging point and he said everything was fine. I was so relieved that I forgot to tell him about my mucus problem and my quiet (sometimes none existent)voice.  He probably would have to have gone further with the camera if I had said that.  I wish my psychiatric nurse had come with me as she would have remembered to ask about the mucus.

Anyway there you have it. I have to say that I hate Brighton Hospital. There's never anywhere to park, only one lift was working (at least we had air conditioning on the hottest day of the year so far).  Fortunately we only had 1/2 an hour to wait to be seen, which I guess is sort these days.

I live to fight another day


Tuesday, 19 July 2016

Today's the day

Tuesday 19th July 2016

Great it's the hottest day of the year so far.  At least I'm going to Brighton where supposedly it's a little cooler on the coast, although not I'm sure in a hospital without air conditioning.  don't know what to wear on my feet as they have gone puffier in this heat, and being unfamiliar with Brighton Hospital, I don't know how much walking is involved to get to the ENT dept.  I'm sweating already and have taken one 5 mg diazepam.  I had a good session with my counsellor yesterday and the recording actually worked for once Hurray! I hope I'll have a chance to go over it again this morning as my husband is home all day.  He took the day off work to take me down to Brighton. I couldn't get hole of the Psychiatric nurse to say the day had changed.  I hope I didn't offend her when I said I may not need her for this first visit as I hope it will only be questions.  Anyway she hasn't phoned me back after 2 messages.  Great I've got the sniffles now too.  That's all I need.

Wish me good fortune Peace and calm.


Tuesday, 12 July 2016

One days stay of execution


I just got a call from the hospital changing my ENT appointment to Tuesday, funnily enough I don't feel quite as anxious about it already.  Your prayers and positive thoughts must be working.  thanks

Bye from


Monday, 11 July 2016

The Final Countdown


I know I'm not having the ENT Exam till next Monday, but I thought if I get it out of my system now I can maybe forget it for the rest of the week.  I've stopped taking the Pregablin as I thought it was making my feet puffy and giving me tinnitus and the shakes.  so far I have been right,  My feet have gone down a bit and I'm not so shaky.  I still have ringing in my ears, but I think that's because I had a bad allergy attack yesterday and went through a whole box of tissues again.  My mind was kept of it for a bit while I watched Andy Murray win Wimbledon, and Heather Watson win the missed doubles with Henry Con? a Finnish guy.  They then went on to the wheelchair ladies doubles which I found fascinating, but was really tired by then as we had  watched Formula One first.

My plan of attack for this week is to try and meditate as much as possible and only watch non disturbing things on the T.V. I'll try not to rely too much on Daizepam and request people's prayers or positive thoughts for me if prayer isn't your thing.

Thank you

Bye for now

Friday, 8 July 2016

Down but not out

Friday 8th July 2016

It's been a busy crazy time,  the last few days. I've gone up to 6 stone 8 pounds; the doctor doesn't want to see me again till August; I had a fleeting thought last night that maybe I could eat anything now, I'm beginning to be more ambitious.  Maybe the thought of the ENT examination has scared me into eating properly.  I have one more week before the appointment, you never know. I have been researching the side effects of pregablin that I was prescribed and one of them was puffy feet.  I also attribute my tremor in mostly my fingers and one of the side effects could also be dysphagia.  So what to do eh? I've just seen the doc and don't like to bother him all the time;  I've also just had a new bottle of Pregablin made up for me, but I really feel that I would be better off without it. It really helps to have a rational husband who pointed out that he doesn't think that my improved eating is due to taking the Pregablin; though it does also say that it increases appetite and puts on weight.  It's a trade off isn't it sometimes with medicines; maybe you have to get something else to get better with your main problem. I was never crazy about Pregablin in the first place after it caused me to feint the first morning after I took it because the consultant gave me too big a dose.

On a different note;  I am Welsh and although I am not a football fan I am sharing in the Welsh pride at coming so far in the F.A. Cup.  It was always Rugby when I was growing up.

I am also enjoying Wimbledon this year and fancy Andy Murrays chances of winning. He's playing this afternoon.

I would just like to say after my last blog that my doctor is fantastic and he has really done all he can to help me through this difficult stage of my time, whether it be because of the M.S. or psychological, or physical (or all three).

Bye from down but not out

Tuesday, 5 July 2016

Never stop learning

Tuesday 5/7/2016

Well all is sorted out with my youth fellowship brother.  apparently there is a big difference between a vlog and a blog, as my brother pointed out to me;
Vlog: (stands for video-blogging)

1: Conceive concept and idea

2: filming and photography takes place to capture what’s required to portray idea.

3: Editing using computer software to create video file. 

4: upload to appropriate platform (aka Facebook, youtube etc). 


1. Conceive concept and idea (aka, why are you writing? What will it be about?)

2: Begin to write required content (some write prior to uploading to a website, others write it directly)

3: Decide on appropriate platform (I’m guessing this is the area you are needing assistance)

So all is forgiven and forgotten and I've learnt something new again.

I saw the doctor this morning for my regular weigh in and he is pleased that I am putting weight on.  It's going in the right direction and he doesn't want to see me again till August.  He always seems rushed.  I told him about my puffy feet and my anxiety about the ENT exam, but he took no notice.  I guess I'm just there to be weighed on the emergency list and that's all he's concerned about; no time for any chit chat, or other problems.  Have you experienced this?

Well bye again and keep well

Sunday, 3 July 2016

Not forgiving creeping up on me.

Sunday 3/7/2016

Talking about forgiveness; I didn't go to church today because I have a bone to pick with the youth leader. He told me he didn't know anything about blogs when I was looking for help and advice in setting this blog up and then I find he is doing video blogs for the church website. I can't imagine that there is much difference between setting up a blog and a vlog; So I have to sort it out with him; he is at church now.  I will do it later. It's funny how things get to you like that,  I didn't even realise that I was acting in unforgiveness until this morning. It did affect my swallowing a little when I was trying to have my porridge.  It took a little longer than yesterday. 

I weighed 6 stone and 8 pound yesterday so I am increasing in weight and I have to do what the Bladder and Bowel nurse told me about drinking more.  Eating stewed pears and soaking Golden Linseeds to make them softer. She also recommended walking.  I said I couldn't walk much not only because of the M.S. but because of my bad feet  so I have to try and do a little more building up each day, but doing the ironing this morning has already taken the wind out of my sails.

Bye for now