Saturday 28 October 2017

The hunt for socks October


Why is it that I can never find two matching pairs of socks. I have those socks with different colours on the toes and heels so in theory that makes them easy to pair up. Well think again. No it doesn't if you can only find one of them.  I now have 5 socks of one colour sock.  Is there a sock land they all fly off to for the winter?

Bye for now

Tuesday 17 October 2017

last days on earth


What a mess

Are we nearing the apocalypse? As I look at the news it's all bad. Fires, storms; flooding; fighting; everywhere you turn there seems to be something going wrong or bad.  Who's going to announce themselves the next saviour of the earth.  If that happens then we are in trouble.

Bye for now

Tuesday 10 October 2017

out with th old


It's knackering going through all old stuff and trying to decide if you will ever need any of it again
I've just come across papers and an ink cartridge for a typewriter I haven't used since I don't know when.  What's the betting that a charity shop won't even take it anymore and if they did no-one would want to buy it.  Everyone uses computers now. I wonder what other gems I will find on my adventure.  It's like searching for buried treasure!

Bye for now

Thursday 5 October 2017

Bad Timing


Ever had one of those days when everything seems to be out of sync with you or you with it.  Yesterday I had to go to the post office to post my driving license off to change the photo; when I arrived the attendant was on a 10 minute break, so I had to hang around (no seat). Then I popped to the chemist to pick up my prescription; and I was told if I waited half an hour the one thing I was waiting for would be in. So I popped into the co-op next door to buy a bread roll to go with my soup and the queue was out the door by this time I really needed a sit down and a rest. I came back home for a coffee and then cooked dinner.  My chemist is shut between 1 ab 2pm so I thought I'd watch Neighbours before I go out again.  There is a sandwich shop on the way to the chemist and it shut at 2.30.  I got there 2.27 and they'd packed up. So I picked my prescription up and got 2 rolls which had been sitting in the air for a number of hours and were dry.  So I didn't eat much of them when I finally did make the soup (and I had no chicken stock, had to use gravy granules).  But as bad as my day was, it was nothing in comparison to Theresa May's debarkle whilst trying to talk to the Conservative Party Conference;  what with her constant cough, someone handing her a P45 and letters falling off the wall behind her as she talked.  It was like a comedy show.  No-one could have scripted it better.

Bye for now

Monday 2 October 2017

another day another dollar as they say

 That's not actually true in my case.  It implies you are working.  I haven't work for over a year now.  I struggle to go to the Nursing Home once a week for an hour.  This week of course it's all Harvest
Services around the Homes. I'm just playing guitar for the hymns at one.  But my voice is pants at the moment.  Half the notes don't come out at all so I'm relying on the other guys from the  church to sing better than me.
I went to the Camera shop today to get passport photos of myself ugh! for my driving licence. How can any passport photo look nice?
Have you ever seen anyone look nice in a passport photo? It's like we're all drug addicts.

Bye for now