Tuesday, 26 September 2017



Hi folks.  I've just realised I've not blogged for nearly a month; this borders on the unacceptable. I don't have much of an excuse either. I had a never ending cough followed by a never ending nose cold and then we went away for a week to Suffolk. I've had three lots of antibiotics and the cough has come back again.  It's really gone deep into my chest now. No wonder I'm feeling low and useless.  I just finished a book called 'Finding the Still point' by someone Mahoney; I've given it to a friend already.  To be honest I found it more annoying than useful.  He kept talking about the number 5 being the still point that we all want to try and get to in every situation bringing it either up or down to that point but he also talked about finding your Motto. A couple of years ago it would have been to sing and dance for God but I can't say that anymore. So I got stuck at that point and said what's the point in continuing? but it was a short book so I finished it, but I still don't have my Motto; what I'm supposed to be doing with my life.

Bye for now,  I'll try and write sooner next time