Tuesday, 31 January 2017

Panic over I'm freed


Well the big fridge went in to our new kitchen and all the other appliances and we've even been using them.  There are a few little bits to finish off and then the ginormous task of putting everything back into different cupboards.

I had the dementia test this morning because I keep forgetting things. It was very simple but I failed it and the doctor is concerned.  I have to have another blood test and maybe a CT scan.  I knew there was something wrong with my memory, so we go from one worry to the next, but I'm not panicking.  I thought the test would be a piece of cake, but how wrong I was.  I just couldn't remember for the life of me the name and address of the person he gave me right at the start.

So enters another chapter.  Stayed tuned I don't know if it has anything to do with my M.S. or not.

Bye for now

Wednesday, 25 January 2017

Help I'm trapped in my home


Another day living with a great big Fridge in the middle of the living room.  'Help I'm trapped by a Fridge Freezer'.  Don't expect you've ever heard those words before. Life goes on and on and I'm still wearing the same cardigans that I have been wearing for 4 weeks now.  when will it ever end?

Bye for now, I'm off for a hearing test because I think I have Timitus.

Thursday, 19 January 2017

You can't tell it's love till you've said 'I hate you'

19/ 1/2016

Just popping round again for a quick check on emails and I think I have time to write another blog. They've managed to send the wrong draining board so that's another set back for our kitchen.  My mother- in-law has had the you view installed to boost her progs.  We tried to watch a DVD on the player and couldn't get anything to work.  My husband had returned home and immediately came over pressed the same buttons I pressed once and they worked.  He always does that so instead of me thanking him I said 'I hate you', but we managed to watch the DVD anyway.  I really do love him and he knows it and he knows I didn't mean it, it just frustrates so much sometimes.


Bye for now.  I'll be moving back here to sleep and use the shower on Saturday, but still going over to my mother-in laws for food for the rest of the week.  Chaos everywhere.  No kitchen here and no bathroom there and boxes all around.  I'm going batty.

Monday, 16 January 2017

Back fo anotherr quickie

Yes, I'm still straying with my mother-in-law  and have just received the news that they will be another week on the kitchen so I will have to change my living arrangements because they are coming to do my mother in law's bathroom, so no kitchen in one house and no bathroom in the other.  I'll have to commute.  It's so confusing at the moment.  But what can you do, just glad I have some diazepam to keep me going.

Don't know when my next blog will be now so take care everyone.

bye for now

Friday, 6 January 2017

Just a Quickie


Happy New Year to everyone if I haven't said it already.  Just quickly stopped ny to do this and see how the kitchen is slowly progressing  and I mean slow.  Seem to be getting on well with my Mum- in-law.  She likes her house cold too like my husband so I'm constantly turning the heating up and she turning it down.  Missing my husband and his help with food preparation and washing up.  Hating the cold.  But it's mostly rainy today.

Bye for now.  Be glad when I can come back home to a finished house.

Monday, 2 January 2017

Just Typical

2/1/ 2017
Happy New year to everyone.  It seems that as soon as I said I was going to do a blog a day our computer went down for the Christmas Holidays and just came back today.  We spent our holidays clearing out our kitchen to have a new one put in tomorrow.  They say it will take about 2 - 3 weeks, so I still can't do a blog a day until that's finished., as I am going to Haywards Heath to stay with my mother in law while we have no cooker.  that could prove interesting as they might be doing her bathroom.
 Anyway, I'm happy to say that like every other 'Typical' Brit I am stuffed; have put on too much weight over Christmas and now wish I could lose it again( not as much as I did before), but I swear I felt healthier when I was only 6 stone now I'm 8 stone 10 and rising if I keep eating any more chocolates.  It's hard to stop eating now I know that I can, but it's still slow and my drinking is not 'normal' or should I say typical' as that is todays subject.  I'll endeavor to get back home as much as I can to do my blog 9and see how the kitchen is developing).

So Bye for now